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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Miracles of Fan Blade

Fan Blade went to the harvesting countryside of China. He saw many men working in the fields. They were thirsty and hot. Some of them could hardly work because of the heat. There was one old man that passed out from a heat stroke. Fan Blade stood among the men in disguise to see what was happening. When he passed by the old man, so did his shadow, and the old man stood up slowly recovering from his stroke. There were two men that tried to help the old man. They took him out of the field and took him home. No one knew that the old man was healed because of Fan Blade's shadow. Fan Blade kept it a secret.

Suddenly, there was another man yelling at another. He was yelling at a lier. He was yelling because the lier always made his life difficult by spreading rumors and gossip. The man never said anything to anyone and always went on about his business ignoring the whispers and staring eyes. However, that day, he exploded. The angry man exploded because his lies made it difficult for him to work in the field with others. Even the man that was paying him turned against him because of false rumors. The liar stole kindness from the angry man. It caused the owner of the field to cheat the angry man in his pay. People were doing a kind man wrong and caused him to build up anger. He went off to sit down holding his heart because he felt that he was about to have a heart attack.

Soon, Fan Blade began to speak. He said, "It is a sin to bear false witness against thy neighbor. It is the ninth commandment of the Bible. Liar, you have stolen a lot from that man and have made his life difficult. You're lies are killing him. Thy shalt not steal and thy shalt not kill are also of the Ten Commandments. Repent of your sins. You think it is hot now, and you think this earth is hell. Let me tell you something. You can go sit in the shade and drink a cup of cold water, but in hell, there is an everlasting fire and no cold water. The rest of you ought to beware of lies. If this man is leading you to believe him, if he is on his way to hell, you just might go with him."

When Fan Blade was through lecturing, the liar began to feel faint and nervous. He walked away from the field and everybody was looking down on him. The liar felt sick. Fan Blade took away what was troubling the angry man. Fan Blade's words were soothing to the angry man, but were sharp as the blade in his hand to the lier. Two miracles came from Fan Blade that day.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Talents and Tools

Fan Blade is a man that nobody recognizes. He is from the spiritual realm world. Fan Blade was allowed to go out and visit people on earth. He had special talents and tools. Fan Blade believed in signs and symbols to help people understand the truth about life. He was a man that fought and studied martial arts before he left the world. Fan Blade had his own philosophy. When he left the world, he saw things differently than he did when he was alive on earth. He knew about things that would be hard for the world to receive.

Fan Blade’s first tool was a fan that was sharp as a blade. He used it to trim a young woman’s trees, and to fan away the heat for workers working in the sun. Another tool that he had was a great ball of wisdom and knowledge of man. Fan Blade could spin the ball like a globe and see good and evil in man’s wisdom and knowledge. He knew his wisdom and knowledge was good, and greater than man’s wisdom and knowledge, and from above. Fan Blade understood man. He was sent to help special people. Everything Fan Blade touched and had, he was able to make something out of it. He put it all to use as tools. Fan Blade had great talents.

Fan Blade Visit

People say that the dead does not know what the living is doing. I disagree. Some people think it is evil to see someone back from the dead. Is every spirit evil? If you see someone dead in your past with a message, and if that message comes to pass, that dead one may not be of the dead. That dead soul might be of the living and resurrected. That dead soul might be used as a messenger. Who can say what is really going on in heaven? The soul never dies, and we shall see when we are dead. We shall know what is truly going on if we make it to heaven.

I know a man that nobody sees. He is an invisible man and does not appear to everyone. I call him Fan Blade. He had great compassion on a young woman who was too tired and sick to trim her trees in her back yard on a hot summer day. Fan Blade stood fanning from a distance hiding in the shadows of the trees. He had two fans. There was one in his right hand and one in his left. Both of his hands were inserted into the fans. The fan blades were like a musical instrument. Every time he used the blades, you could hear a musical sound in the wind. The fan blades sounded like the strings of a harp. The blades were very sharp and could cut great limbs of a tree.

One day the young woman drove into her yard and found that all of her trees were trimmed. She thought one of her neighbors trimmed them, but she knew that they would have never trimmed her trees. The young woman was thankful and went into her house from the sun. She sat on her back porch that was closed in like a room. The young woman was able to see the scenery through her open door and windows. She just happened to look up and saw a strange man standing to her door. It was Fan Blade. He had one fan in front of him and another one behind his back. The air was very warm, but for some reason, it felt cooler at the moment she saw Fan Blade.

Fan Blade knew everything about the young woman. He told her, “Never let go of your mind. Never let go of your faith. Your dreams are coming true.” Then Fan Blade vanished from the young woman’s sight.

When the young woman heard the words of Fan Blade, she began to feel a lot stronger. She felt like doing a million things. The young woman was tired spiritually and mentally. That made her feel weak, tired, and sick physically. For you see, there was really nothing wrong with the woman. She just needed an uplift from heavy burdens, and Fan Blade knew. He had been sent to her. The young woman did not recognize the man until she began reading a book on philosophy that had been written years ago. She recognized Fan Blade's voice and the message that he sent was very new.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Fan Blade is a Bruce Lee inspiration story of mine. I loved watching his movies growing up, and I am left wondering what his unfinished movies he had in mind would have been like. Bruce wanted to make a movie titled Dragon of Jade. That is how I came up with the idea of Fan Blade.

Bruce Lee became a myth after he died. I know deep down, Bruce is more than myth. His Kung Fu was real. Bruce put his Kung Fu into acting, but it was also used in reality. He taught his Kung Fu to others. Bruce Lee is a myth to some people. To others, he may not be a myth. Some people knew the real Bruce Lee as a teacher, and there are many of us that only knew him as the actor. I don't know what the debate is all about. I enjoyed all that Bruce Lee did, I enjoyed what he was, and I enjoy what he is. Bruce is now a legendary man of martial arts.

In memory of Bruce, I am writing my fiction story.