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  • Forecast-Rain Man 2 - What’s in the forecast today? Rain! Rain! Rain! My family weeps for me because I have fallen to sleep. I’m no longer there, but I still exist. They ...
    4 months ago

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chapter 2 Ambassador

Fan Blade saw that he was not only a spirit with a weapon, but he saw that he was a bishop too. Though he was dead, he was leading and guiding. Fan Blade was a leader. He was a leader on earth and had great talents, but he did not know that he had been called. Fan Blade went to church when he was a boy, but he did not know where he belonged in the church. He knew the choir was not for him because he could not sing. Fan Blade was not taught and told how he should use his talents. He did not know that he was an ambassador for Christ when he was alive. His parents did not know either. All they knew was to go to church and listen to the word.

(2 Corinthians 5:20) Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be you reconciled to God.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Joe-Joe Sees His Uncle

Joe-Joe went out to find Fan Blade. There was no sign of him anywhere. He searched from sun up to sun down. Joe-Joe searched for two whole days. Fan Blade was not seen anymore. Joe-Joe's father knew that he was sad because he could not find him. He left a picture album book on the kitchen table hoping Joe-Joe would pick it up. When Joe-Joe went into the kitchen to find food, he removed the heavy picture album book and dropped some loose pictures that slid from between the pages. There was a picture of a man that looked just like Fan Blade. He read his real name from the back of the picture. It read, "Uncle Terry." Joe-Joe put the picture back into the picture album book and laid the book in the living room chair. Then he went into the kitchen to eat.

Joe-Joe decided he would go down to the cemetery where most of the older generation of his family laid to rest. He found his uncle's grave. Then he felt a light hand upon his shoulder. When he turned to look behind him, there was no one there. When he turned to look at his uncle's grave, he heard his spirited talking to him. His uncle's spirited sounded like the voice of Fan Blade.

The spirit of Fan Blade said, "Joe-Joe, keep reading your Bible. Learn about the holy ghost and Christ. He's in your hands when you move. He's in you. Never think that you do things on your own. He's in you when you lay down, and he's in you when you get up. He helps you to fight when it is necessary and win battles. It is the Christ that wakes you up, and he's the reason why we have success in life. Always remember him and never forget him no matter what."

(John 15:5) I am the vine, you are the branches: He that stays in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Joe-Joe Speaks of the Unseen to His Parents

Joe-Joe decided to tell his parents about Fan Blade. Joe-Joe did not know that Fan Blade was a man that died after he was born and kin to him. When Joe-Joe told his parents, they did not recognize Fan Blade by his name. They recognized Fan Blade by the way that Joe-Joe described him.

"You did not see that man," said Joe-Joe's mother.

His father joined in and said, "That man died after you were born."

Joe-Joe said, "I did see him, and his name is Fan Blade."

Joe-Joe's parents were worried and so was Joe-Joe. Joe-Joe was worried because he thought his parents did not believe him. However, it wasn't that his parents did not believe him, but it was impossible to them that Joe-Joe had seen a man that was dead.

Joe-Joe's father said, "What is his name again?"

"His name is Fan Blade."

"What is his real name?"

When Joe-Joe's father asked him his real name. Joe-Joe could not answer. All he knew was his name was Fan Blade. Then Joe-Joe's father told him to find out what Fan Blade's real name was.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Joe-Joe Overcomes His Nightmares

Fan Blade taught Joe-Joe to say his prayers and told him to anoint his head every night with oil. He knew that he was the type of child that would always have to say his prayers. Joe-Joe had enemies as he grew, but his nightmares got weaker. He overcame his nightmares, but his enemies kept him on his knees in prayer. Joe Joe knew how to fight physically, and he was learning to fight spiritually. There are many that do not believe that there is something spiritual out there. However, Joe-Joe did, and it was a blessing for him to see. He had angels all around him, and one of them was Fan Blade. Joe-Joe did not know that he was seeing an invisible man.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Joe-Joe's Victory

Joe-Joe was very lucky that he had an understanding principle. His principle knew that Joe-Joe was not a troublemaker. So Joe-Joe was not suspended from school. However, he did warn the troublemakers, and he felt that they got what they deserved when Joe-Joe fought back.

When Joe-Joe got home from school, he told his parents and bragged about Fan Blade for teaching him how to fight. When his parents found out that Joe-Joe was fighting in school, it caused argument between his them. His father thought that he shouldn't fight back, and his mother thought that he should. Joe-Joe obeyed his mother and ignored his father. He thought he had a crazy father on the subject of fighting.

Now that Joe-Joe had victory in fighting, he was still defeated in his dreams. Fan Blade knew that Joe-Joe needed to be taught how not to fear evil. Fear was put in the minds of children when they were bad. That is why Joe-Joe saw terrifying creatures in his nightmares. His nightmares were becoming serious and real. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fan Blade Meets Joe-Joe

Fan Blade had a nephew named Joe-Joe. He was only five. Joe-Joe was born a special child that could see things. He would wake up frightened from having nightmares. There was something in his sleep that disturbed him, and Fan Blade knew what it was all about. There was evil in Joe-Joe’s nightmares. It was the same evil and dreams that Fan Blade had when he was alive. Joe-Joe would wake up and face another burden. He was being bullied by other kindergarteners in school. Joe-Joe dreaded going to school and riding the bus. The teachers were not even on his side. Joe-Joe had a hard way to go.

One day Joe-Joe was standing outside on the playground alone. Fan Blade appeared to him and said, “I know you got beat up. You must learn to fight and be as tough as everybody else. The only way you are going to make them leave you alone is to fight back.”

Joe-Joe said, “But, I do not know how to fight them. They are too big and too strong.”

Fan Blade said with a smirk, “You can be strong too, and I know you have it in you to fight. Remember, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Do you see that giant tree over there in the woods? The wind pushed it, and it fell hard. It’s the same thing with human beings. Do not fear.”

Joe-Joe hung his head. “But, I might loose.”

“If you loose, it will not be because you did not fight.”

As time went on, Fan Blade taught Joe-Joe how to fight. After that, Joe-Joe was sitting in the principles office.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Seeking Family

Fan Blade wanted to start with his family. He wanted to make sure that they were saved. Fan Blade knew that it would have been too much for some of his family to see him back from the dead. They did not understand spiritual and did not study the good book in order to understand. Fan Blade had some family that would not listen and were hard headed. Some of his family grieved over him and visited his grave often. Fan Blade thought, "If they only knew how much I am alive."

Fan Blade saw how much some of the world did not believe that the dead could still see and hear. People in hell know that they are burning and people in heaven know that they are not suffering. They do have a conscious according to the parable about the poor man Lazarus and the rich man in the good book (Luke 16:19-31). To some, the parable is just an old fable, but the characters were real and so was the story. Fan Blade did not know how true it was until he passed away himself. Fan Blade saw folks believing all kinds of things about death. He saw ministers preaching different things about death that did not know what death was like. Fan Blade also saw how dead some of the people on earth walking around living were because they were living in darkness.

Sadly, Fan Blade watched his family. He had family on earth that he knew nothing about. He found one person in his family that he could reach. That person was just a little child. The child was a nephew to him, and he knew the child would listen.